Two months. That’s more than enough time to build new habits.
The duration of the quarantine has seen a flux of free fitness content, recipes and nutrition tips on the Internet as more people stayed home and searched for ways to kill time and be more productive. A recent survey has shown that a greater percentage of the population has begun to put more importance on health, fitness and wellbeing as the pandemic spread on a global scale.
But are we blindly jumping into a massive internet fitness trend? What habits matter at the time of a global pandemic? Most of all, what does it really mean to be fit, well or healthy?
To start, let me be clear that a person’s fitness level does not equal his/her state of health and overall wellness. As a holistic wellness coach, I always remind my clients, readers and followers that fitness is just one aspect. A small slice of the pie. The same goes for diet/nutrition, and all other aspects of our lifestyle. Here, I list practical tips that’ll strengthen every pillar of your overall wellbeing at a stressful and challenging period such as this.
I put this at the top because if there’s any time you can build a habit of eating better, it’s when you spend all of your time at home and have full control of what you eat. It doesn’t have to be fancy or complicated. If you’re worried about purchasing a lot of produce because they go bad fast, try stocking up on fresh food items that store longer. My staples are black beans, squash, lentils, sweet potatoes and our current household favorite, potatoes (if you follow my Instagram stories, you know how much we’re loving our vegan mashed potatoes).

Potatoes are almost always readily available, affordable and packed with vitamins and minerals that’ll keep you fueled in your workouts. You’ll find even more easy and nutritious potato recipes plus a number of useful information on the Potato Goodness website.
Keep the intensity of your workouts between low to moderate. Intense physical activity (even if it’s a workout you choose to do), puts the body in a state of duress. Your movement regimen should complement the amount of stress you get from your daily life. Which means during a period of uncertainty, worry, sadness or anxiety your movement should balance you out. Most of my “workouts” are ground-based and is often just an hour of vinyasa yoga. On good days, I incorporate kettlebell exercises while still doing a lot of bodyweight movements.

It isn’t unusual to feel low, anxious, sad or even exhausted for no reason during this time. While what happens outside is beyond our control, there are things that we can do to keep ourselves in a good headspace. Limit your time on social media unless connecting with people close to your heart. Now, more than ever, you’ll feel how your relationships with your homeboys, homegirls and your family become relevant in giving you a sense of normalcy.
In addition, ease up on the pressure you put on yourself to become productive. Found a new hobby that feels therapeutic to you? Keep going. Feeling like you MUST come out of this quarantine with a new skill or accomplishment? Pause right there. The last thing you need at a time like this is any more unnecessary strain or pressure. Seriously.
Here’s a quick video with the 5-1 Technique I use whenever I’m feeling overwhelmed.
Just like with your eating habits, there’s no better time to straighten out your sleeping patterns than now. Take advantage of the fact that it takes less time and effort to get ready for bed and hit and the sack. Not having to go to school or the office the next day is not an excuse for you to stay up late every night binge-watching on Netflix. Good sleeping and resting patterns affect every subtle process in your body in what’s called your Circadian Rhythm. When physical movement, nutrition, mental wellness and rest are managed well, your body goes into homeostasis or a state of balance. It functions optimally and everything it doesn’t need, naturally falls out (ehem, excess weight included).
Last but not the least, your environment affects your total wellbeing. Get rid of clutter, set a weekend to spring clean and make your home a little haven you won’t need a vacay from. Based on experience, letting go of items I haven’t used or event touched in the past three months gave me so much space physically and internally.

Lastly, surround yourself with the kind of vibration that makes you feel good deep down. Choose the people you follow on socials, choose the friends you connect with and keep your real ones close. Together, we’ll get through better and stronger.
Take care of yourself for me. <3